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BRIDE and GROOM, do you oome here voluntarily to enter this marriage
(Yes, we do)


[Take the cords to drape]

BRIDE and GRODM, will you honor and respect one another‘? {We will]
The first cord is draped over the couples‘ hands.

Will you look for the brightness in life and the positive in each other‘? {We will}


Second cord is draped over the couple's hands.
Will you be present in the difficult and challenging times so that you may grow strong in this union?

(We will)

Third cord is draped over the couples‘ hands.

Will you share each others laughter and joy, and look for the brightness and fun in lite, and the positive in each other‘?

(We will).


Fourth cord is draped over the couples' hands.

Will you bring peace and harmony into your every day ways of

(We will)

Fifth cord is draped over the couples’ hands.


And when you falter, will you have the courage and commitment to remember these promises and take a step back towards one another with
an open heart‘?


{We will).


Sixth cord is draped over the couples‘ hands.

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